Attitude that forming culture

So, what do you think of when you hear the word attitude?


Do you think of the typical mood of teenager who need a reality check, or.. maybe someone who has strong viewpoint about a certain topic?

Well.. an attitude is actually both of these and combination of a lot more. An attitude is learned tendency.  It’s a learned tendency to evaluate things in a certain way. So to evaluate people,issue,event, object and we can break down attitude into 3 components.

  1. Affective (feel and emotion)

Also known as the emotional component. So we may feel or have emotions about a certain object or subject or topic, and this is gonna shape our attitude. So for example, I can show you the emotional attitude by saying

“I’m scared of spiders”.

So the word scared indicates an emotion, and that’s gonna shape our attitude towards of spiders.

  1. Behavior component (act and behave)

Is how we act or behave towards an object or a subject. So in this component, we may so something like

“I will avoid spiders and scream”

if I see one. So the words avoid and scream indicate an action or behavior, and that’s going to influence our attitude.

  1. Cognitive component (belief and knowledge)

And in the cognitive component, we form thoughts… we form belief or we have some sort of knowledge about a subject or an object or a topic. That’s going to influence our attitude. So an example here is saying:

“ I believe spiders are dangerous.”

We have belief that they are dangerous, and that’s gonna form our attitude.


So let’s take a look at two sentences I’ve written that utilize these three component of attitude.

  1. I love yoga because I get to do meditation and I believe it helps me relax so I will go to class each week.
  2. I am frightful of rollercoasters and believe they are stupid, so I will be on the carousel at the park.

So look at the sentences, what do you think is affective or emotional component? (Orange)

Love is feeling of emotion.

What about the behavioral component? (purple)

If you said I will go to class each week then you are right. Going to class is a behavior, it’s an action. And that ‘s going inform your attitude towards yoga.

What about the cognitive component? (green)

I belief, that should indicate belief or cognition. That’s a thought that maybe you also have some prior knowledge that gonna help you to shape the attitude.


What about the second sentence?

What is the affective component? (Orange) fright is an emotion, it’s a fear.

What about the behavioral component(purple)? It’s an action

What about cognitive part? (green)



Perjalanan Transformasi Perusahaan menjadi agile

apakah kamu scrum master yang berada dalam perusahaan yang akan/sedang transformasi agar bisa agile?

first things first saya membuat tulisan ini untuk sahabat saya raymond lagonda yang sedang menjalankan misi kemanusiaannya dengan bergabung di perusahaan yang visi misi nya meningkatkan harkat,derajat dan keuangan bagi masyarakat kelas bawah dengan teknologi. congrats bro, money cann’t buy great person like you but company with great and humble vision can.

Hmm… langsung saja di dalam scrum guide, tertuang salah satu tugas SM yaitu:


Seperti kita ketahui bersama bahwa scrum dibangun atas dasar empirisme.


Kali ini saya akan menggunakan 14 point management dari Edward Demming untuk mengedukasi perusahaan supaya bisa agile.

Saya akan perjelas point per point agar kita dapat lebih religius dalam memaknai 14 point tersebut. namun perlu saya garis bawahi bahwa 14 point ini TIDAK ditujukan menjadi listing yang perlu dipertimbangkan untuk diadopsi dan TIDAK pula sebagai daftar checklist.


  1. Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive and to stay in business, and to provide jobs


Konsistensi tujuan yang dimaksud menempatkan tanggung jawab kepada management untuk mencari karyawan sebagai pekerjaan utama, sementara fokus karyawan adalah memilih untuk memperbaiki produk/layanan agar dapat diandalkan. Jika produk/layanan tersebut dinilai market tidak bagus/sempurna dan dapat dilakukan dengan cara yg lebih baik maka SELAMAT!!! Kompetitor yang akan mengambil peluang tersebut. 😀

Untuk benar-benar sukses dalam berbisnis, management harus menghadapi continous improvement sebagai landasan dasar setiap pekerjaan dan menjadi dasar dari budaya perusahaan. Para staff harus diberdayakan untuk membuat perubahan positif untuk meningkatkan lingkungan pekerjaan mereka.

Konsistensi dari tujuan sangat penting, namun seringkali susah untuk dikatakan dan dirangkai dalam sebuah kalimat. Konsistensi dari tujuan haruslah menjadi DNA perusahaan. Dengan tujuan yang sama akan menyatukan dan memastikan semua hal dilakukan dengan benar. Measures (ukuran) harus berasal dari tujuan (Customer’s purpose) dan para pegawai dibebaskan untuk mengejar measures tersebut.


Intinya adalah menghasilkan laba setiap kuartal bukanlah tujuan yang tepat,apapun itu alasannya. Tujuan seharusnya berbicara bagaimana produk/layanan perusahaan memberikan impact kepada customer,maka laba/keuntungan akan mengikuti.

Dr. Deming menyimpulkan bahwa untuk menciptakan konsistensi tujuan dibutuhkan:

  • Inovasi
  • Penelitian dan pendidikan
  • Continous improvement produk/service
  • Investasi dalam pemeliharaan peralatan dan perlengkapan untuk mendukung produktivitas kantor


Konsistensi tujuan akan menghasilkan Visi, Misi serta Core Value perusahaan yang akan tertanam dalam jiwa setiap karyawan.

4 fase membuat tim menjadi self organize

Apakah anda Scrum Master baru di perusahaan tempat anda bekerja?

Apakah anda mempunyai kesulitan membuat tim yang self organize?

Jika mengacu pada scrum guide yang terbaru (November 2017), salah satu layanan Scrum master pada development adalah:


Lantas bagaimana cara mengetahui tim sudah self organize? Atau adakah tahap-tahap tim menuju self organize?

Yup, kita akan membahas tahapan tim menuju self organize atau akan kita sbut sebagai dinamika kelompok. Menurut Theodore M. Mills dalam bukunya The Sociology of Small Groups. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. Page. 3-35, Dinamika kelompok adalah suatu kelompok yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih individu yang memiliki hubungan psikologis secara jelas antara anggota satu dengan yang lain dan berlangsung dalam situasi yang dialami.

Salah satu pakar sosiologi kesehatan di indonesia, Dr. Kamanto Sunarto, SH menjelaskan Fungsi dari dinamika kelompok itu antara lain:

  1. Membentuk kerjasama saling menguntungkan dalam mengatasi persoalan hidup.
  2. Memudahkan pekerjaan.
  3. Mengatasi pekerjaan yang membutuhkan pemecahan masalah dan mengurangi beban pekerjaan yang terlalu besar sehingga seleseai lebih cepat, efektif dan efisien. Salah satunya dengan membagi pekerjaan besar sesuai bagian kelompoknya masing-masing atau sesuai keahlian.
  4. Menciptakan iklim demokratis dalam kehidupan masyarakat dengan memungkinkan setiap individu memberikan masukan, berinteraksi, dan memiliki peran yang sama dalam masyarakat.

Bruce Wayne Tuckman melakukan penelitian ke dalam teori dinamika kelompok yang dikenal dengan “Tuckman’s stages of group development” menjadi 4 yaitu:

  1. Forming

Stage pertama ini terjadi sewaktu tim baru mulai terbentuk. setiap orang memahami siapa mereka dan apa expertise mereka, tetapi mereka mungkin tidak memahami lebih dari itu dan semua orang akan sedikit gugup. untuk mempercepat tim melalui tahap ini, sang pemimpin perlu mengantisipasi pertanyaan anggota tim. Saat tim mulai terbentuk, anda harus siap untuk mengulangi visi dan misi perusahaan sesering mungkin karena dengan cara ini tim dapat mengintegrasikan ide-ide ini ke dalam “Believe structure”. Adapun beberapa contoh beberapa pertanyaan tim:


  • Siapa orang baru yang ada di tim kita?
  • Apa pekerjaan kami?
  • Bagaimana cara kerja kami?

sebagai seorang pemimpin, Anda perlu mengadakan percakapan one on one dengan masing-masing anggota tim. hal ini akan membantu Anda membangun hubungan saling percaya dengan mereka dan menetapkan dasar untuk berinteraksi dengan tim. Anda juga memfasilitasi percakapan dengan kelompok yang membantu anggota tim saling mengenal satu sama lain. dalam sesi ini Anda memegang perkenalan dan membantu tim menentukan kesuksesan untuk mereka. ini juga waktu untuk menekankan tanggung jawab bersama dari tim dalam mencapai kesuksesan. Anda juga mendorong mereka untuk mengatur diri sendiri saat Anda berkomitmen untuk mendukung effort tim.


Umumnya, selama pembentukan, anggota tim tidak benar-benar mau melakukan percakapan sulit yang dapat menyebabkan konflik. mereka tetap pada topik netral untuk menjaga perdamaian. Namun, untuk pindah ke tahap perkembangan berikutnya mereka harus matang ke titik di mana tim saling challenge satu sama lain sudah safe to fail. kesediaan untuk tidak setuju tentang hal-hal penting mengarah ke tahap perkembangan berikutnya.

  1. Storming

Storming bisa datang dengan berbagai bentuk seperti mempertanyakan pengetahuan,keterampilan dan kemampuan rekan tim sendiri. agar tim berkembang, bentrokan kepribadian dan konflik lainnya harus ditangani oleh pemimpin. Menghindari konflik justru akan merugikan tim dalam jangka panjang. Storming terjadi karena selama pembentukan tim ada sekelompok individu. pada tahap ini, tim mengakui ketergantungan satu sama lain untuk menjadi sukses, sehingga mereka mulai terbentuk sebagai tim dalam arti kata sepenuhnya. peran Anda sebagai pemimpin adalah membantu mereka melalui proses ini. Anda harus tetap berpegang pada tujuan tim dan mengingatkan mereka tentang norma mereka untuk berinteraksi satu sama lain. Anda perlu memfasilitasi dan menggunakan conflict resolution untuk mengatasi perbedaan pendapat. Hal ini juga tercantum pada scrum guide perihal layanan scrum master kepada development team


“Conflict exist when one person has a need of another and that need is not being met”

goal Anda adalah membantu tim menghargai kemampuan unik masing-masing untuk mencapai finish line sehingga mereka mulai merasa seperti sebuah tim sebagaimana pula tercantum dalam scrum value pada scrum guide


Batasan-batasan netral dan disepakati bersama sewaktu proses Forming adalah cara terbaik dalam melalui fase Storming. Hmm… mirip salah satu event scrum yg terakhir ya?? Apa itu??

Setelah tim melalui fase forming dan storming anda akan melalui fase norming. Pada tahap ini, penyelesaian konflik selama fase storming telah menghasilkan rasa keintiman dan kepercayaan yang lebih besar di antara anggota tim

  1. Norming

Tahap ini dapat diidentifikasi ketika anda melihat semua orang dalam tim mengambl tanggung jawab pribadi untuk pekerjaan tim dan saling interaksi satu sama lain. anggota tim telah mengetahui bahwa mereka saling ketergantungan dan berbagi support dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan. Namun perlu diperhatikan pada tahap ini bahwa tim dapat sangat menikmati perdamaian sehingga mereka menghindari membuat suggestion yang mungkin kontroversial. Anda dapat menyelamatkan tim untuk encourage brainstorming di setiap kesempatan. kemudian ketika Anda melihat tim mengambil risiko dan mempertimbangkan pendekatan yang berbeda, kenali lah dan pujilah. Hal ini membantu tim membangun kepercayaan pada kemampuan mereka untuk membuat penilaian dan keputusan sendiri. Sebagai leader norming, anda berfokus untuk membimbing improvement tim seperti pada layanan Scrum Master pada organisasi


anda juga mendorong tim untuk menanyakan pertanyaan tentang kualitas, seperti di bawah ini

  • Apa defect product kita?
  • Bagaimana kita bisa mencegahnya agar tidak terulang kembali?
  • Bagaimana kita bisa lebih efisien dalam deliver customer value?
  • Apa yang bisa kita deliver ke customer yang benar-benar akan menyenangkan mereka?

Pertanyaan diatas mendorong tim menuju fase Performing.

  1. Performing

Pada tahap ini, tim hampir sepenuhnya autonomy dan membutuhkan allignment yang tinggi. Tim memiliki loyalty tinggi satu dengan yang lainnya dan tim hampir seperti keluarga dalam berinteraksi. mereka mengharapkan konflik tetapi memiliki alat di dalam tim untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan dengan cepat dan damai. Saat tim menuju fase ini, anda dapat menjadi servant leader tim lain. Tim telah mengembangkan proses yang bekerja untuk tim dan orang lain mulai mengikutinya. Sudah dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan minimum konflik. Orang termotivasi dan kompeten menyelesaikan pekerjaan nya. Konflik bukan lagi menjadi halangan dan perspektif yang berbeda dipandang berharga.

How to Manage People in Scrum (Part 2 of 2)



how I manage people, actually I get from the movie 3 idiots where Ranchoddas Shamaldas Chanchad teaches value safe to fail to raju rastogi and farhan qureshi. here’s a lesson that can be taken to be an reflection plus some books i read.

we need to know what our strengths are to make wise decisions and know where we belong.
feedback analysis is a technique that will help you discover your strength. whenever yo make a key decision or take a key action,write it down and what
you expect to happen. 1 year later,compare the actual results with your expectations. in 2 or 3 years, you know where you strengths lie. when yo discover your strength, i’m suggest 3 key action to take:
1. concentrate on your strengths
2. improve them
3.find what things are inhibiting your strengths
for example: you could be a fantastic engineers coming out of university but if you don’t have any social skill to successfully communicate your
expertise your clients, then yo can’t make the most of your strengths. the next point is crucial:
“it takes far more energy and work to improve from incompetence to mediocrity than it takes to improve from first-rate performance to excellence.
and yet most people – especially most teachers and organizations – concentrate making incompetent performers into mediocre ones. energy, resource and time should go instead to making a competent person into a star performer”



a person’s ideal way of getting things done can be slightly modified, but it’s unlikely to be completely changed. we performed our best only when
we become aware of in what ways we work best.
the first thing to know is whether you’re listener or a reader. which one are you? would you rather read a physical book or listen an audiobook/podcast.
secondly.. HOW DO YOU LEARN? if you’re computer programming student for example, do you learn best by taking notes? is it listening to your lecturer? reading a textbook or writing computer code? other things to consider are what kind of environment do you best in? do you work best alone or in a team? or do you produce great results as a decision maker? or an advisor?

my main message is to not try change yourself. instead, work hard to improve the way you perform and try
not to take on work that you will perform poorly



let’s say you work as a hiring manager at Sam’s pizza bar. you value hiring new employees to improve the business, but the organization values improving their existing employees. if your value conflict with the organization then you be frustrated and perform poorly. to performed your best,your value must match.

it’s possible for your strengths and values to conflict.
for example,
peter was a great investment banker but he value the people not being the richest man in the cemetery as he put it, so he quit the job . despite being in the middle of the great depression in the 1930’s

now my top values are:
1. health
2. time
3. passion
4. freedom
last year i was offered a job in multinational tech company but i was one of 30 people that turn down the offer.
the hiring managers tone of voice indicated that i was out of my mind when i turned down the offer. but i value freedom and time. and working
15 hours a week at an office desk giving over the phone technical support wasn’t something i was passionate about.
i’d rather spend my time doing something i love like analyze the people.


at the intersection of your strengths, values and perform, will be where do you belong. you’ll be confident making decisions when opportunities come your way.
maybe you’ll perform better as a social worker than an accountant. knowing where you belong will allow you to go from a mediocre worker to an outstanding performer


In other words, what tasks should you spend your time to answer this. i’m challenges you to ask three questions:
1. what does the situation require?
2. given my strengths, way of performing, and my values, how can i make the greatest contribution to what needs to be done?
3. what results have to be achieved to make a difference?

it’s rare for a plan to be clear and specific if it exceeds 18 months, so we should be asking where and how can i achieve results that will make a difference in a year and a half. the result should be hard
to achieve, but not so hard that they are unrealistic to achieve. balance is key, they should also be meaningful
and make a difference. lastly they should be visible and measurable.
peter drucker famously said what gets measured get managed. from this will come a course of action you know what todo, where to start and what goals need to be set.


people are as much of an individual as you are, they too have unique strength,values and ways of performing.
knowing what they are,will allow you to work well with others. but if you want to find out, you have to ask them


LESSON 7 THE SECOND HALF OF YOUR LIFE(optimize the second half of your life)

after 20 year of doing the same kind of work, many people are very good at their jobs, but they aren’t learning,contributing or deriving challenge and satisfaction from a job. peter suggest beginning second career. 3 ways of doing this are:
1. start a career in a different kind of organization
2. start a parallel career, more commonly known to as side-hustle.
do something part-time that interest you or consider volunteer work.
3. start another activity that you’re interested in.
maybe you could start a non-for profit organization

so, in short speech, i don’t manage the people. i’m increase awareness people to see the goal’s 😀

How to Manage People in Scrum (Part 1)



a lion, a monkey and a crocodile wanted to see which one of them it’s the best?

However,when trying to measure their abilities, they discovered it would be foolish of them to compete in the same discipline. the lion would obviously run faster than the crocodile, while the crocodile would swim much faster then lion, and the monkey would be the best at climbing trees.

No matter how much effort the lion put into perfecting his tree climbing, he would never become as good as the monkey. he was born with a body that is not suited for climbing trees. if a lion spends his entire life judging himself by his ability to climb trees, he will feel inferior. that might sound sad for him, buuuuuuttttt in reality it is liberating. the lion was born with other advantages. he can excel at hunting, for example and if he choose to focus on doing the things, that come naturally to him, he’ll be happier and more successful.

That sound obvious right?? Of course lion’s can’t climb trees. However, many of us make the same mistake in our lives.

We try to get better at the things which we’re not suited for,and so we can only ever become mediocre. there are a few areas in which you have the potential to excel, and others in which your potential is small. you must find your strengths and focus on those things, just as the lion must realize he is meant to run and hunt, not climb trees.

on the other hand, i worked with great engineers who were very good at the technical part of their job. they believed that was all they needed to be very good at what they did. however, they never got the promotions they wanted to get and their careers as well as personal lives were limited. this is because many of these engineers lacked the people skills required to maintain good relationship, and since their bosses and coworkers didn’t like them, they could never advance.

in any position, what you need is the technical knowledge but you must also maintaint positive relationships with those around you. this is one example of an essential skill that the engineers were missing and if you have something like this “intellectual arrogance” holding yo back from success, you must fix it.

I am one type of people who love traveling so much. In the future, if i already reach financial freedom and have lot of free time in life, i wish i can travel visiting every country arround the world as far as i can. I don’t have that opportunity until now. But i am very fortunate that i already visit several countries abroad even its only in South East Asia. And from several countries i already visited, one of my favorite country is Singapore. Why i love Singapore? This is the only country where you can go on every corner on the city by walking. And no doubt this is the cleanest city in the world. Lot of public services like Bus, MRT is several points that make me love Singapore so much. For you who haven’t already visited Singapore, i recommend you to visit this country at least once. Because i just traveled again to Singapore this month, i try to make a travel guide to Singapore in this blog.


It’s me at Marina Sand Skypark,SIngapore

To make your vacation to Singapore more efficient, cheaper and effective, you must know all the information about Singapore. I’ll try to cover all about that in my blog. In this blog, you’ll find complete guide of how to do Singapore Traveling by your own. You also can make a plan and preparation for traveling with certain budget. You can arrange airline ticket, accomodation, food and the transportation starting from the cheap one to the expensive one.

The most influence cost for traveling, of course is airline ticket from your country to Singapore. So the most important thing you must aware is the airline ticket from your country to Singapore. If you can get cheap ticket, your whole traveling cost will be cheap. So i’ll separate the cost into several categories, so you can calculate by yourself how much money you will spend if you decide to go to Singapore

Airline Ticket Cost

How to go to Singapore? There are many way you can choose to go to Singapore. Because i live in Indonesia, so i will make this traveling budget based on Indonesia to Singapore Budget. There are several ways you can choose to go to Singapore. The easiest way is go directly to Changi Airport, but sometimes go to Singapore from another city near Singapore is cheaper. Here are the several ways how to go to Singapore :

– Go directly to Changi Airport by Airplane

This is one of the easiest option that most people choose. If it is a plane ticket straight to Changi Airport is not too expensive or is not a big problem for you, then this is the absolute choice to choose. The key how to get cheap airline ticket to Singapore is follow every airline newsletter that can access a flight from your city to Singapore. In Indonesia, the cheapest airline to go to Singapore is Airasia & Jetstar (from Jakarta) and Valuair (from Surabaya). From Jakarta, Airasia and Jetstar Airline Ticket can reach about Rp. 1.000.000 for a Round Trip. Don’t forget to append Rp. 150.000 for Airport Tax in Indonesia. To get cheaper cost, pay attention to the promo from airline newsletter. Just subscribe newsletter on their website.

– Go to HarbourFront By Ferry via Batam

If you want to use the ferry, then you should go to Batam by plane first and then continue your journey using the ferry to Singapore. You can buy cheaper ferry ticket in Hang Nadim airport (Batam Airport). The price using Ferry is S$18 for round trip ticket if you buy at Hang Nadim airport and S$21 if you buy at Batam Harbor (not including tax S$7 at Batam Seaport and S$16 at Singapore Seaport). Don’t forget to append taxi cost Rp. 70.000 from Batam Airport to Seaport

– First go to Malaysia and then enter Singapore by Bus

One other option to go to Singapore is through Malaysia. First we have to go by plane to Kuala Lumpur, then we continue the journey from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore using bus. This is the least recommended way to go to Singapore. Because Kuala Lumpur is quite far from Singapore.

Accommodation & Food Cost

The accomodation cost in Singapore is relatively cheap compared to other countries. But if you want to stay at pretty good quality hotel, of course you still have to pay about minimum S$ 70. But if you are looking for a place that is really cheap, in fact there are few places in Singapore are very cheap. You can stay at these places at a cost of approximately S$ 10-15 only. You can stay at Hostels or Backpackers Inn to get cheaper acommodation cost.

As for the cost of meals, the fee is approximately $ 3 plus $ 1 drinks for a meal. Therefore, when we eat 3 times a day, then the total cost for the meal to be prepared is around $ 12/hari. Coupled with possible reserves of drinking water a day it takes about $ 15.

Daily Transport Fee

For travel, there are three ways that can transport you choose, using a bus, MRT and taxi. If you are traveling as a family and you have 4 people member of family then use a taxi is a convenient option. You do not need too much walking, you can get to your destination. But if you are traveling alone or just 2 people only, it would be much cheaper if we use the bus and MRT. For the MRT lines you can see the MRT diagram on this post.

Declare variable (type data primitive and



java itu peduli dengan type data. ketika kamu memikirkan variable, coba pikirkan gelas.

gelas kopi,teh,gula,krim,gelas besar,kecil dan sedang. variable itu yea gelas, sebuah container yang memegang peran tertentu. dia punya ukuran dan type.

type data primitif itu seperti gelas starbuck, jika saya pesan espresso,dikasih gelas kecil, jika saya minta mocha, dikasih gelas besar. variable juga harus diberi nama. penjelasan ke JVM nya adalah begini ” gue minta type data integer dengan isi value 900 trus dikasih nama “TINGGI””


  1. Declare reference variable

kasih tau ke JVM untuk mengalokasi space dan reference variable dan diberikan nama myDog. reference variable bersifat selamanya dari type Dog. dengan kata lain,seperti punya remote kontrol yg bs mengontrol Dog.


2. Bikin Object

kasih tau JVM untuk alokasi space untuk object Dog di heap memory


3. Link object dan reference

tetapkan object Dog ke reference varible MyDog. dengan kata lain, program remote kontrol
